Monday, October 12, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
And its back to the grind..
Kent (bless his heart) has been working as much as he could through all of this mess. Now its my turn to show that I too can bring in some dough. HA- So, this week I'm going to be easing myself into some work. If your reading and your a client of mine, I'll be working every Wednesday, all day, but getting off around 4:30 or 5. Then, for all of you that have to be at work until 5, I'll be working Saturday mornings until around noon or so. Not many hours, but its a start. So, if your needing an appointment call or email me. Thanks. And thanks for waiting on me.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Surgery Done...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
For once- we have an ANSWER!!!
Thats what it is! Surgery will be scheduled here shortly. I will update you to let you know when.
If its not one thing....
I'm sorry that I have not been able to update. My partner in crime (my laptop) has been at home and Ive been at the hospital.
The new story~~~
The weekend was great!! I had my family together in one house. I Got to spend time with my daughter and son at the same time! I needed that so badly. Everyone was eating and drinking and being merry. Friday and Saturday were fabulous! It was like a dream.
Sunday morning at around midnight or 1:00 I noticed that I had run out of the formula that the hospital sent home with us. It was enfamil LIPL 24 cal. plus iron. (mouthful I know). I had told the hospital that I had my other child on Simulac and they said, "That's Great! Its the exact same thing." I was happy to hear, but with my past battle with Josie's formula war, I knew better. I knew that switching formula would have at least a tiny effect on the stomach.
SO ANYWAYS- Back to midnight--- I mixed a bottle of the Simulac and hoped for the best. At around 3, I noticed that little man's bed had some spit up on it. I cleaned it up, and gave the next bottle and just made sure to get a good burp out, and laid him back down at an incline. At 6:00, the bed was covered in vomit.
"Geeze" Just as i expected. Formula switches never go smooth. But, I thought that if I would keep trying, his belly would adapt. Sometime after noon on Sunday, I decided to go to the store and get what the hospital had him on, and try to get him back in business. So I sent Kent to get it. To find out--- Enfamil doesn't make that formula for the general public. You cant even order it. You can get ALMOST the same thing, but only 20 Cal's, not 24. (That's calories by the way). So we got the closest thing that we could find, and the vomiting continued. Actually, every feeding, the vomiting really got worse. I started to worry about him keeping his seizure meds down.
The little man still looked good, still had energy, and didn't seem sick. So I waited it out.
Finally, Monday night at 6:00 pm we decided that it was time to get to the ER and make sure little dude isn't dehydrated. After 5 or 6 attempts to stick him and get an IV running, and 6 HOURS they just decided to see how well he can hold a bottle down.
"WHAT THE HELL AM I HERE FOR??????" I could of done this at home, and been asleep by now. We were infuriated. Kent put the baby in the car seat, and we were headed out. BUT- then all of the "What Ifs" went through our head. We shut up, sat down, and gave the boy a bottle. Of course, as we said and expected, he vomited it up. This was the worst vomit episode that I have seen. He kept going and going and going. Where did all of this come from? He has only had 2 ounces in like 6 hours! Henry Kent was the exorcist. And Allison Renee was IRATE!! "Someone get a *^#%ing Doctor!!" I had to leave the room before I was removed from the hospital.
Finally, at 5 AM they got an IV running through his head, and up to a room we went.
The next morning at 9, they tried another bottle. No such luck. Vomit-
For the rest of the day, he still would push up part of that 9:00 feeding. Thoughts of a virus went through doctors minds, x-rays of his stomach showed that all parts were in the right place, and his vitals were good, so this doesn't seem to be a virus. "AHHHHH- Do I live in the Land of UNKNOWN??? Someone Help Us!" So the doctors decide to give his stomach a break, and go overnight without food. The next plan of action is to try Clear liquids, at 9am the next morning.
SO- here I am, it is the next morning now (Wednesday 8:22AM)
He just vomited AGAIN! What is left? I don't know. He has had nothing in 24 hours. Of course he vomited all over me when I was picking him up. all down my side and really alot under my arm. I changed shirts, but saved the vomit so that the doctor could see the consistency, color, and smell of it. (Lunch anyone? ha) Of course the first person right through the door was my intern. Very nice looking, Asian man. I like Asian men! He of course wants to study the vomit, and starts smelling the armpit of my shirt. I become a little nervous knowing how clean I am, and how often i have been showering here at the hospital (wink *), and he raises his eyebrows, and says...... "So, your a Downy girl?"
Good to know it didn't smell bad. Right!?! So now, the 9:00 feeding is canceled until further notice.
The next thing that he asked me, is if Pyloric Stenosis runs in either of our family's. This is when there is a tube in your belly that delivers food to your stomach is swollen on the inside, and blocks food from dumping into your stomach. This usually occurs when baby's are 3 to 4 weeks old. (He is.) Yes! Kent's sister had this as a baby. It is fixed with a quick surgery that is very easy and heals fast. Not saying that this is the problem, but we are going to be looking into it very hard today. We are going to have a stomach ultrasound hopefully today that can tell us if we have this problem. To learn more about this, look at this website-
I will keep you updated now that I have my WONDERFUL computer, I can live again. Thanks for everything. Keep up on your prayers! Love-
Friday, August 28, 2009
Henry has gotten so much more energy through bottle feeding, and all around becoming an older baby. After all- He is a whole 2 Weeks old TODAY!! He also has been much more vocal. He mainly sleeps if he is not getting a diaper change or eating. But- From time to time he will wake up and cry for his pacifier. He loves it.
I don't have much more news for you today- That's great! No news is nice to report these days. OH- I almost forgot- If anyone knows of a speech therapist, let me know. I know that I do someones hair that is, but I'm having a hard time remembering who. So- If your reading, I'm sorry, but I would like to chat about a second opinion on this swallow study. Not that I am trying to take short cuts. I just don't connect well with the therapist/doctor that he is with, and may want to do follow up appointments elsewhere.
Hopefully home is in the near future. I'm still crossing my fingers for today, afternoonish- But i bet its tomorrow. Ive already got the double stroller popped out in the garage ready for walking. I cant wait!!! Josie's birthday is next month and I have some major 1st birthday party planning between now and then. So get your party panties on.. He will be a month and Josie will be a year- That's some serious stuff! ha ha-
Ill update on our discharge later. Wish us luck-----
Love- The Summers
Thursday, August 27, 2009
After some mind clearing..
At the swallow test.... Henry did wonderful. I felt like he was latching on and not loosing too much liquid out of his mouth. The doctor had me holding the bottle and feed him different consistencies of liquid while they took an X-ray video of his swallowing skills. The doctor kept saying, "Oh, not good! We had penetration..", and "Oops, there he has done it again." By the looks to me, he was doing great. But hearing all of this from the doctor, and not knowing what it was saying- gave me a slight panic attack. I started to sweat, then my hand started shaking, and soon I was totally blacking out. I had to tell the doctor that I needed to get out of the room.

After the study was done, she explained to me that Henry is not 100% coordinated at his eating skills. That he almost got the liquid into his airwaves. That can cause silent aspiration, and that can get fluid into your lungs. SO- they recommended leaving in the feeding tube and doing every other feeding by bottle using a thickener called "thick it" to make it easier for Henry to direct the fluid down his throat. Then doing the other feedings through the feeding tube.
So- after hearing this news, to be honest I was PISSED. In my mind this was an entire new problem that has been addressed outside of the true reason that we are here in the first place. And not that I'm trying to rush Henry's progress, but this could prolong our stay here. This was my thought process yesterday.

BUT- as the evening went on, Henry did great at all of his feedings. At 9:00 this morning, the doctor met us in our room to observe Henry's feeding. He did great. Her instruction to us today is to feed every feeding by bottle and see how he handles that. She will be back for his noon feeding to see how he follows up with 2 bottles in a row. If all goes well, we will have this horrible feeding tube out in no time.
Keep your fingers crossed at noon today!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
In a "real life" setting..
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Movin' on.........
Later today there is going to be a speech therapist come in and do a swallow test on him to make sure that he is ready to take a bottle. I feel like its a good sign that he is sucking on a passie- So, the plan is; today we will be bottle feeding and ALSO- moved out of the PICU to "The Floor". That's the step you take right before going home. YAY FOR US. Our deal that we have with Henry is that if he is a fighter, we will be home by Friday for his 2 week birthday PARTY! I think that he is excited and working hard toward that goal.
Thank you everyone for everything again. We cant thank you enough. When all calms down we hope to be able to give everyone a proper Thank You.
I am so so ready to have my kids together in one household. Its so hard for me to have Josie passed around and not being able to be with Henry 24/7. If I have seemed a little as I say "Wigged Out," I'm sorry. I really do appreciate your concern- I'm just home sick when I'm here, and Home Sick when I'm at home without him. So I'm sorry if you have seen an ugly side of me. I'm trying hard to control myself.
I will get on later on and let you see some pics of the sweet boy.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Ill keep you updated! Keep him close to your heart all day today.
Hopefully Henry can earn his dad's favorite nickname today.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Prayers get answered...
So- today-- His breathing machine has been turned down on the last setting. He has not had to used to vent sense yesterday!! If all goes well, HE PLANS ON GETTING OFF THE VENT TOMORROW!! My little boy is being tough! Then I get to hold him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited.
The neurologist, Dr. Walters, came in today and seemed very optimistic! He said that all of Henry's reflexes are good, and he is happy to be seeing so much more movement out of him. We are going to be having a new neurologist from now on, but in my understanding (i wasn't here for this conversation), it seems to be someone who works under Dr. Walters. And in 6 months, we will be seeing Dr. Walters again for another MRI and then continue seeing him for checkups.
While I'm typing this- the Respiratory doctor has come in. He has said that in Henry's X-Rays that there is some white area in his upper right lung. This is a small case of pneumonia. THIS IS NORMAL for baby's that have to have a vent. They are starting an antibiotic today that he will be taking for a week or so.
SO- I feel much better today. Things are starting to look up and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Prayers are answered, and quite honestly- Quicker than I expected.
Last night Kent and I stayed at home with our baby girl and Michelle, Kent's step-mother, stayed with Henry. We stayed up all night talking about Henry and Everything in the world. It was the best night that we have had in a long time, even before Henry had been in the hospital. We both have decided to "Let go, and Let God". That was a big step for us, and we made it together. Whatever the circumstances, we are ready to face them. Whatever the problems, we will work together to fix them. We would both give anything that we have for either one of our kids. So this is going to be JUST FINE! We are sure of it.
Again- we appreciate everything in the world that everyone has done for Kent and I, and Josie. We appreciate everyones prayers and thoughts so much. Keep it going everyone! Its working.
Friday, August 21, 2009
What went on today- (Friday)
The damage that has happened is NORMALLY something that happens during birth when there are difficulties. Something like very low blood pressure or lac of oxygen to the brain causes this. In our case, there was too much "normal" time after birth for this to be the case. So- it must have happened sometime at home. But not after the seizure. He thinks that the seizure and color change was caused by this slight stroke type of event. The tests show lots of "white matter" around his brain. This is the damaged area. It also showed lots of swelling. From my understanding, the swelling is/could be causing a lot of problems and preventing us from seeing what all is really going on. They plan on another MRI in a few months after all swelling is gone. The doctor explained it to me like- "If i were to rare back and slap you so hard across the face you would see a big red whelp where my hand hit. After a little while, when the red goes away you may be able to see if it left a bruise." That made good sense to me. I hope it helps you.
LOOKING AT STATISTICS, the areas that have been harmed seem to affect more of the physical being than mental. Things like movements and such. But none of that is 100%. There is a small chance that nothing ends up being wrong, or at least noticed. And then again, there is a chance that Henry could be very handicapped. Everything is still up in the air. The doc said that he has seen MRIs come back looking way worse and the patient being just fine, to MRIs looking great and the patient in horrible shape. Its all waiting game.
Henry had to get back on a more monitored setting on his vent. He has had some troubles initiating his own breaths in a rhythmic fashion. The doc thinks that this too is caused by the brain being irritated by the swelling.
Also, they changed the medication that he has been on for the seizures. I'm not sure of the name, but it is less sedating than what he has been on. This should/could also help his breathing.
IF- anyone thinks of any good questions that I should ask the doctor, let me know. Email me, or comment me here on this. If i have it in writing i wont forget to ask, but if I just think about it- its out the window by the time i see the doctor.
Our next action- Just getting the boy to pick up on his breaths, heal from swelling, and eventually get off of the ventilator. I think that all other things will have to be taken care of and learned more about over quite a bit of time.
As far as our sweet baby girl goes---- She has been very taken care of. She has been up a couple of times and spent some time in the waiting room playing with everyone. She has spent her days at her Ganny's and nights at her Nonna's. For the past 2 nights I have been home with her myself and Kent has been staying the night at the hospital. Its so hard for 2 to sleep there. I'm sure Ill stay there tomorrow night and let Kent snuggle with his little tatter! (Josie's nick-name) .
MRI Results
Thursday, August 20, 2009
What had happened...
Ok- What has gone on- Tuesday night around 7PM Kent and I noticed that our little Henry was loosing intrest in eating. No big deal, just eating about half as much as he did the 4 other days of his life. This lasted all night. Through the middle of the night, he cried and cried and cried. The first thing that I thought was---"Great, God thought I deserved another Josie in my life." HA- Kent said that he had noticed some odd breathing patterns durrning the night, and still no intrest in eatting. In the morning, I tried to do some floor activities with him and josie to see if he had any intrest in moving around. THIS is when i saw that we had a problem. He was totally limp and his eyes were lifeless and clear. Just looking odd. I called the doctor. I scheduled a doctors appointment and really didnt know what to report. "I need an appointment for my son who looks diffrent in the eyes today."---- Sounds weird. Anyways, just a few minutes after, Henry started a rythmic twitching. I thought it was a little odd, but it just looked like newborn movements. This lasted for a while and thats what made me a tad nervous. I grabbed my video camera and filmed his actions. I knew as soon as I got him to the doctor that I wouldnt be able to explain what he had been doing. Right before I loaded him up into the car- I saw Henry loose pretty much all coloring. His body turned grey, face lips and tounge turned blue, and his little hands were blue as well. At the doctors office he had a eppisode of color change infront of a nurse, but when the doctor got there, he did much better. As soon as I showed him the video he started talking about some serious actions we needed to take. After some small talk, he decided to get Henry sent over to the hospital for some immediate attention while we wait on Childrens hospital to come get him. So, thats what we did. At the hospital he had a couple more eppisodes of breathlessness, witch is what caused the color change. But no ceazure like activity like seen on my video. Now at Childrens Hospital. --------- We got here and finally got an IV running through the baby. He hadnt eaten in so long, he was very weak. At this point so many tests had already been run from his urine, blood, and anything else they could get from him. All tests came back negative. They went ahead and started treating him for viral and bacteria issues that could be possible. Next- they wanted to give him a chest x-ray. This came back and all possible heart problems seemed to be rulled out. Next was a head ultrasound. Although you cant see much from this, its quisck and easy and came back looking good. Then, we had a spinal tap. This has tons of rusults witch we wont know for afew more days, but most importantly, it told us almost imediatly that he did not have meningitis. Thats good! Later that night- after Henry was on seizure meds and hooked up to an E.G.G that reads his brain waves, he seemed to be stable for the night. He was breathing well on his own and no sign of seizure. This shortly took a turn. He started having moments that he didnt breath for a few seconds (the doctors say this is pretty normal for newborns), but one time it lasted a little bit too long for comfort. They felt like a ventalator would better regulate his breathing so that he didnt have to work so hard. So they had to give him some drugs that pretty well knocked him out and inserted his tube. The next morning, up until the evening there were some worries that he had not recovered from his medication. He had no movement, and had not really tried to breath on his own yet. Around 5ish he began to do some moving. Arms and legs and lips. That made us feel better. He was scheduled to do an MRI to better look at his brain. While waiting the day away for him to go to his MRI, we talked to all of his doctors. The information that we got was...... - So far our condition has not gotten worse. We are creating a base of information that helps us rule some things out 1 by 1. -- There is some fluid from the spinal tap that came back not clear. This could be something as slight as blood that was caused by birth trama, and this can cause ceizure activity, but goes away quickly. OR it could be some sort of bacteria. The MRI should tell us more on that. --- Anything viral has been rulled out, so he has been taken off of that medication.--- The doctors are not as worrid about his comming off of the medicine as the nurses. They said that they wouldnt of expected him to be any diffrent. THAT MADE US FEEL SO MUCH BETTER> AS OF RIGHT NOW- Henry just got back from his MRI, that went well. They did have to give him a slight something to relax him because of his movements picking back up. But I can already see that wearing off. So- next thing on the list is to let the Nurologist look at his MRI results and see what he thinks needs to be done next. Until then- We will kiss his face, hold his little hands, and pray for his little self. Im sure that I have left out so much information. My head is all over the place. I will try to keep you informed via this website, so if I dont answer your phone calls, this is where to get an update. Kent has been the best dad in the world and an even better husband. He has held my hand and Henry's the whole time. WE WILL BE OK> We may not have answers right now, or even know where to go next. But we are here and have each other. Our family is awesome and I appreciate everything that everyone has done. I will update soon. Josie and I are going home together tonight and giving her Nonna a break. Kent will be here to see all that is going on. I will give you more info as soon as I know anything. Keep us and Henry in your prayers. Goodnight. ps- Im sorry for my spelling- the computer here in the room wont let me use spell check-- And im horrible. so sorry!