About an hour after we found out what was going on with Mr. Henry, the Children's Hospital surgery team came to us to ask if they could go ahead and start his surgery. I hadn't even talked to my mother!!! But what needed to be done, needed to be done, so we signed consent papers and off he went.
The procedure was quick and easy. It took about 30 minutes from roll in, to roll out. They put one small hole near his right hip for a tool, one hole near his left hip for a tool, and then a hole in his belly button for a camera. No incision! So, healing process is minimal. And follow up care pretty much takes care of itself. The holes have this tape over them, and when the tape falls off-He is healed!! So, that's all great news.

This morning we have had a bit of a problem getting him to seem interested in eating, but I dont blame him. He did eat earlier and it came back up, but that is from his stomach being so inflamed. Bottle # 2 (1.5 oz.) just went down, and it seems to be sitting better. As soon as Henry can keep down 2 bottles (2 oz.) in a row, we are discharged. I'm not rushing him today---- BUT I sure do miss my daughter. If he wants to save himself a spanking later; he may want to perform by tomorrow! ha ha

I hope that I didn't rush through this section, and everyone understands what has gone on. If not- Well, Ill try to type better next time.
Go Rambo!