We are in a real room now.
We are pretty much free of all tubes and wires and IVs now.
Henry is alot easier on the eyes.
Yesterday, they moved us to the 4Th floor; the neuroscience area, and planned on putting us in a real life setting. This is where we hold him when he cries, change his diapers ourselves, and get comfortable with the fact that he is not being monitored as closely as he has been. So- at first they put us in a room, where we had a roommate. I swear the area for me to sit was a 4x4 square with no TV or anything to do. That was uncomfortable enough. Then- to add to my nerves, my roommate was a 17 year old boy who had some mental disabilities. That I could of handled I think. I didn't even mind his loud way of speaking, and yelling at the TV. But, then his family came in, REEKING of cigarette smoke and said to me, "Ah, We'll be outta here hopin' by Tha mornin'. Just waitin' on this one to have-a-nother seizure. HA HA." Bless them. Not that they were bad people. And I found myself rather enjoying ease dropping on their conversations. They seemed like very funny people that I would like to chat with on a normal day, but now was just not the time. Luckily- My mom was here with me during this but, she had to leave to go back to work. Of course as soon as she left the room I sat in my 4x4 space with my precious boy, with the worst now going through my head crying my eyes out alone.(Kent has been back at work) What I didn't know, was my mom was on top of the situation. She went to the nurses station and told them that this was NOT a good time for me to be in this situation. Within the hour, they asked me if I was ready to be moved to my private room. ABSOLUTELY! I couldn't of felt better.
They tried to take him off of his oxygen, but his stats showed that he may need just a little for a day longer or so. That's fine- He'll be ready when his body says he is ready. We will wait.
So yesterday, our speech therapist came in to do the swallow test. First of all, this was while he was sound asleep, second of all, he has been on a feeding tube and not very interested in eating. Do you scarf down a meal after just having one? NO- She was not happy with his interest to the bottle. She said that he aspirated a little bit out of the side of his mouth. SO- she wants to remove his feeding tube out of his intestines, and insert ANOTHER one through his nose into his stomach to let him feel what "hungry" and "full" feel like. I'm sorry if I'm being tacky, but I THINK THIS IS RIDICULOUS. I told the therapist that he was so interested in sucking when he was hungry, and that all of the PI CU nurses agreed. She seemed to be pretty set on the move of the feeding tube. Maybe she'll come in today and reevaluate. I think that he would do better. He wakes up a little more everyday.
Its very hard for me to deal with a new unit. Its hard for me to tell the story to every new nurse, resident, and doctor in this unit. To me, I'm looking at the bright light at the end of this horrible tunnel we have gone down. I look forward to the future and have accepted the waiting game. To them, they see a new story. A new problem. They want to look back to the beginning again, and we are back to hearing, "We're so sorry."
You don't have to be sorry to us. We are more than happy that home is in the near future. We are in optimistic mode, and the new unit is not.
Being in this room, it is alot easier to blog, talk, and all around communicate. My phone of course has been on the outs. HA HA- (if its not one thing, its another). So your welcome to email. If your a facebooker, The network here wont let me update facebook, so i can not communicate that way. Email is- sprayandgo@gmail.com.
Love everyone and plan on updating later today about the feedings.