Wednesday, September 2, 2009

For once- we have an ANSWER!!!

Pyloric Stenosis-
Thats what it is! Surgery will be scheduled here shortly. I will update you to let you know when.

If its not one thing....

Its another. Bless the baby's heart.
I'm sorry that I have not been able to update. My partner in crime (my laptop) has been at home and Ive been at the hospital.

The new story~~~
The weekend was great!! I had my family together in one house. I Got to spend time with my daughter and son at the same time! I needed that so badly. Everyone was eating and drinking and being merry. Friday and Saturday were fabulous! It was like a dream.
Sunday morning at around midnight or 1:00 I noticed that I had run out of the formula that the hospital sent home with us. It was enfamil LIPL 24 cal. plus iron. (mouthful I know). I had told the hospital that I had my other child on Simulac and they said, "That's Great! Its the exact same thing." I was happy to hear, but with my past battle with Josie's formula war, I knew better. I knew that switching formula would have at least a tiny effect on the stomach.
SO ANYWAYS- Back to midnight--- I mixed a bottle of the Simulac and hoped for the best. At around 3, I noticed that little man's bed had some spit up on it. I cleaned it up, and gave the next bottle and just made sure to get a good burp out, and laid him back down at an incline. At 6:00, the bed was covered in vomit.
"Geeze" Just as i expected. Formula switches never go smooth. But, I thought that if I would keep trying, his belly would adapt. Sometime after noon on Sunday, I decided to go to the store and get what the hospital had him on, and try to get him back in business. So I sent Kent to get it. To find out--- Enfamil doesn't make that formula for the general public. You cant even order it. You can get ALMOST the same thing, but only 20 Cal's, not 24. (That's calories by the way). So we got the closest thing that we could find, and the vomiting continued. Actually, every feeding, the vomiting really got worse. I started to worry about him keeping his seizure meds down.
The little man still looked good, still had energy, and didn't seem sick. So I waited it out.
Finally, Monday night at 6:00 pm we decided that it was time to get to the ER and make sure little dude isn't dehydrated. After 5 or 6 attempts to stick him and get an IV running, and 6 HOURS they just decided to see how well he can hold a bottle down.
"WHAT THE HELL AM I HERE FOR??????" I could of done this at home, and been asleep by now. We were infuriated. Kent put the baby in the car seat, and we were headed out. BUT- then all of the "What Ifs" went through our head. We shut up, sat down, and gave the boy a bottle. Of course, as we said and expected, he vomited it up. This was the worst vomit episode that I have seen. He kept going and going and going. Where did all of this come from? He has only had 2 ounces in like 6 hours! Henry Kent was the exorcist. And Allison Renee was IRATE!! "Someone get a *^#%ing Doctor!!" I had to leave the room before I was removed from the hospital.
Finally, at 5 AM they got an IV running through his head, and up to a room we went.
The next morning at 9, they tried another bottle. No such luck. Vomit-
For the rest of the day, he still would push up part of that 9:00 feeding. Thoughts of a virus went through doctors minds, x-rays of his stomach showed that all parts were in the right place, and his vitals were good, so this doesn't seem to be a virus. "AHHHHH- Do I live in the Land of UNKNOWN??? Someone Help Us!" So the doctors decide to give his stomach a break, and go overnight without food. The next plan of action is to try Clear liquids, at 9am the next morning.

SO- here I am, it is the next morning now (Wednesday 8:22AM)
He just vomited AGAIN! What is left? I don't know. He has had nothing in 24 hours. Of course he vomited all over me when I was picking him up. all down my side and really alot under my arm. I changed shirts, but saved the vomit so that the doctor could see the consistency, color, and smell of it. (Lunch anyone? ha) Of course the first person right through the door was my intern. Very nice looking, Asian man. I like Asian men! He of course wants to study the vomit, and starts smelling the armpit of my shirt. I become a little nervous knowing how clean I am, and how often i have been showering here at the hospital (wink *), and he raises his eyebrows, and says...... "So, your a Downy girl?"
Good to know it didn't smell bad. Right!?! So now, the 9:00 feeding is canceled until further notice.

The next thing that he asked me, is if Pyloric Stenosis runs in either of our family's. This is when there is a tube in your belly that delivers food to your stomach is swollen on the inside, and blocks food from dumping into your stomach. This usually occurs when baby's are 3 to 4 weeks old. (He is.) Yes! Kent's sister had this as a baby. It is fixed with a quick surgery that is very easy and heals fast. Not saying that this is the problem, but we are going to be looking into it very hard today. We are going to have a stomach ultrasound hopefully today that can tell us if we have this problem. To learn more about this, look at this website-

I will keep you updated now that I have my WONDERFUL computer, I can live again. Thanks for everything. Keep up on your prayers! Love-