Sunday, August 23, 2009

Prayers get answered...

I'm sorry that I didn't update yesterday. No news is good news. Yet, trust me, I know waiting on news can almost make you crazy. Last night was good. Let me say that again.... Last night went GREAT! Henry really put on his big boy pants and started doing pretty much all of his breathing on his own. He was put on an even lighter seizure medication to bring him back to life again. If you have been here, you have seen how swollen his little head has been from laying flat and with so many fluids. BUT- last night his bed was raised and they gave him something to drain him out. I can tell a big difference today. His catheter has been removed, so we are changing diapers more often now. I like that- It makes him seem like a real baby again.
So- today-- His breathing machine has been turned down on the last setting. He has not had to used to vent sense yesterday!! If all goes well, HE PLANS ON GETTING OFF THE VENT TOMORROW!! My little boy is being tough! Then I get to hold him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited.

The neurologist, Dr. Walters, came in today and seemed very optimistic! He said that all of Henry's reflexes are good, and he is happy to be seeing so much more movement out of him. We are going to be having a new neurologist from now on, but in my understanding (i wasn't here for this conversation), it seems to be someone who works under Dr. Walters. And in 6 months, we will be seeing Dr. Walters again for another MRI and then continue seeing him for checkups.
While I'm typing this- the Respiratory doctor has come in. He has said that in Henry's X-Rays that there is some white area in his upper right lung. This is a small case of pneumonia. THIS IS NORMAL for baby's that have to have a vent. They are starting an antibiotic today that he will be taking for a week or so.

SO- I feel much better today. Things are starting to look up and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Prayers are answered, and quite honestly- Quicker than I expected.

Last night Kent and I stayed at home with our baby girl and Michelle, Kent's step-mother, stayed with Henry. We stayed up all night talking about Henry and Everything in the world. It was the best night that we have had in a long time, even before Henry had been in the hospital. We both have decided to "Let go, and Let God". That was a big step for us, and we made it together. Whatever the circumstances, we are ready to face them. Whatever the problems, we will work together to fix them. We would both give anything that we have for either one of our kids. So this is going to be JUST FINE! We are sure of it.

Again- we appreciate everything in the world that everyone has done for Kent and I, and Josie. We appreciate everyones prayers and thoughts so much. Keep it going everyone! Its working.

1 comment:

Alice said...

Missy told me about what's going on and the blog, so just know MAJOR, MAJOR prayers are coming your way for ALL of you. Henry and Josie are just precious. Thanks for posting the pictures. Hang in there and so glad you had a better day.

Love, Alice Jones (your favorite librarian:)